What Happens if I’m in a Snowmobile Accident and Need to Get Home to Europe?


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What Happens if I’m in a Snowmobile Accident and Need to Get Home to Europe?

Every winter, thousands of people come to the US and Canada to enjoy the mountains and winter sports – especially snowmobiling. Sometimes, the worst can happen and a snowmobile accident can leave visitors injured and unable to take commercial flights home.

When this happens, call Air Ambulance Worldwide. We are experts at coordinating medical flights from the US and Canada to anywhere in Europe. Our team has decades of experience, and is filled with pilots, medical staff, and flight specialists who are dedicated to ensuring your loved one gets home safely and quickly.

Can someone with broken bones from a snowmobiling accident fly home to Europe?

Each snowmobiling accident is unique, as are the injuries that can result from it. From traumatic brain injuries to broken bones to ruptured organs, there are numerous injuries that make it difficult to fly home commercially.

When this happens, medical flights from the US or Canada to Europe can help with transportation. Private jet medical flights can be outfitted with up to ICU level care to allow people to be transported long distances even when in a medically critical state. Trained medical staff accompany the patient at every stage to ensure their comfort and safety.

There are also times where a broken bone is stable, but it’s very difficult for someone to take a transatlantic flight alone. In these cases, call us. We have trained medical escorts who can assist people on commercial flights with medical care and needs, allowing people to get home safely without the expense of chartering a medical flight.

How much does it cost to get back to Europe on an air ambulance after a snowmobiling accident?

Transatlantic medical flights are generally expensive due to the nature of being private jet flights with medical staff. However, each flight is different due to the differing medical care needs of each patient. A reasonably stable patient who needs minimal medical support will cost less than someone who needs ICU-level care.

Our trained team of medical flight specialists is available 24/7 to help with medical flight costs, estimates and coordination. They’ll understand from you where the patient is, where they need to go, and the level of care needed to provide a comprehensive estimate of the costs.

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