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Air Ambulance Transfers Complex Balloon Pump Patient Successfully via Medical Air Transport

Palm Harbor, Fla., May 29, 2012 – Air Ambulance Worldwide, received an emergent call on March 14, 2012 from a prominent client requesting a transfer of a critical patient from Melbourne, FL to St John, NB, Canada. This case was unique because not only was the patient ventilated, but she was also on a specialized balloon pump. The intricacy of moving a patient via air ambulance who is reliant on both pieces of equipment requires a very specific medical team and specific aircraft with specialized equipment on board.

Air Ambulance Worldwide went into immediate action by discussing details of the balloon pump settings and other equipment with the treating physician at the attending facility. AAWI’s Medical Director determined he would operate the balloon pump with a nurse and paramedic to tend to the patient’s additional needs. The attending facility allowed AAWI to utilize their balloon pump for the transfer to ensure the patient’s care remained smooth and requested the equipment be returned within 3 days of the transfer.

The flight was dispatched the morning of March 15, 2012 without a hitch. AAWI’s team took over care immediately upon arrival to the facility in Melbourne, FL. The patient was transferred to the AAWI ventilator and equipment and Dr. Kolettis immediately took over care of the balloon pump. The patient was gently transferred onto the ground ambulance and whisked to the Melbourne International Airport where the team loaded the patient into the aircraft.

This complicated transfer was safely accomplished without hesitation from AAWI and their medical team. From the initial call, the entire staff swung into motion gathering detailed information needed to complete the transfer and carry it out without any delays while maintaining the highest standard of care to the patient. The client was impressed with the response time and ease of the transfer while the facility was happy with our medical team and the speedy return of its balloon pump. They are happy to report the patient is doing well at her home in St John, NB.

About Air Ambulance: Air Ambulance service from Air Ambulance Worldwide includes professional bed to bed medical air transport with medevac coordination handled by our expert Air Ambulance Life Flight Coordinators. Air Ambulance Worldwide staff has years of experience in providing safe air ambulance transportation of family’s loved ones with specialized medical team. Call Air Ambulance Worldwide toll-free at 877-922-9675.

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