Medical Air Flights


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Medical Air Flights Without the Normal Hassle of Domestic or International Air Travel

Medical Air FlightsConsider the burden that medical air flights can place on a patient who needs to travel. Even healthy travelers know that the hassle of navigating check-in lines, security check points, and customs procedures at the airport can sometimes feel like vacationing is not worth the stress. Now imagine what patients who are confined to a wheelchair, or need special medical attention of any sort, go through when they need to travel.

That’s why patients and case managers around the world turn to Air Ambulance Worldwide for hassle-free medical air flights. Our transportation team is made up of friendly and knowledgeable flight coordinators, seasoned pilots, and highly trained medical staff who know how to make commercial flights as stress-free as possible for patients and their family members.

Indeed, when you choose Air Ambulance for your emergency or non-emergency flights, we’ll handle all the logistics of your medical transport service from start to finish, including facilitating ground transportation and keeping all family members informed of the patient’s progress.

We provide bedside-to-bedside services which includes:

  • Air ambulance flights for patients who require critical care because they are seriously ill or injured
  • Non-emergency medical escort on commercial flights
  • Commercial air stretcher arrangements for international

For more information about our medical air flights, please call 727-781-1198 or contact us, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In some cases, your flight can be arranged and on its way in as little as two hours. Your specially assigned flight coordinator will be happy to answer any questions you might have about the services provided by Air Ambulance Worldwide

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