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Medevac Flights Dallas

Medevac Services
If you or a loved one experience a medical emergency and need a medevac flight to or from the Dallas Metro region, Air Ambulance Worldwide is the call you’ll want to make. With a private fleet of specially equipped aircraft that can be configured to handle almost any medical condition, Air Ambulance Worldwide can get you to your destination quickly and safely.

Our expert medical staff, which includes doctors, nurses, paramedics, and specialists, each of whom have years of ICU/CCU experience, as well as our seasoned pilots, have a spotless safety record. This dedication to safety has earned Air Ambulance Worldwide both EURAMI certification as well as an Argus Gold rating, both of which are only awarded to medical air carriers that adhere to the world’s most stringent standards.

Medevac Flights Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport, Dallas Love Field, or Dallas Executive Airport

Our full-service medevac flight services include:

  • Bed-to-bed service, which means we handle all the logistics, including ground transportation, assembling the right team for your medevac flight, and communication with family members throughout the process.
  • Medevac transfers from one medical facility to another within Texas or between Dallas and other cities.
  • A medical team with extensive emergency and ICU experience and specialization in geriatric, orthopedic, trauma, and pediatric emergency care.
  • Seasoned pilots with thousands of hours of flight time logged.
  • Assistance with insurance companies to obtain any available coverage or reimbursements.

Medevac Flights to and from Dallas/Ft. Worth Hospitals

Whether you or your loved one needs to transfer to a Dallas medical facility for specialized treatment or needs to be transferred from Dallas to another facility elsewhere in the country or throughout the world, Air Ambulance Worldwide can provide the services needed for medevac medical flights.

We provide medevac services to or from UT Southwestern Medical Center, Baylor University Medical Center, Parkland Health System and Hospitals, Children’s Medical Center, Texas Health Hospitals, and more to provide medevac services.

Pediatric Medevac Flights to and from Dallas/Ft. Worth

Air Ambulance Worldwide has specially trained and experienced specialists to care for pediatric patients and ensure that their specific medical needs are taken care of during a medevac flight.

Our specialized aircraft can be equipped to handle almost any pediatric health condition, and our staff has expertise and experience in pediatric emergency and neonatal intensive care to provide the best care available. Our flight coordinators and standing by 24/7, 365 to coordinate every aspect of the process and make sure that every pediatric medical protocol is adhered to and meticulously monitored.

What will my Dallas/Ft. Worth Medevac Flight Cost?

Medevac flight costs vary greatly depending on what type of aircraft is needed, the total distance traveled, and other factors, but our flight coordinators can discuss options with you and will work tirelessly to find the most competitive pricing possible. The total cost will be determined by our dedicated Dallas/Ft. Worth medevac flight coordinators who are available 24/7 to provide a quote.

Air Ambulance Worldwide has representatives available 24/7, 7 days a week. Call today for your custom Dallas/Ft. Worth medevac flight quote.

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