July 7 2015 Staff Meeting Notes


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JULY 7, 2015



Mark Jones

Dr. Kolettis

Tim Lookabaugh

Debra Peel

Mary Monti

Betty Conley

David Richardson

Frank Quarrella

Melissa Kauffman

Andrea Gaines

Mark Jones

Dena Maurici

Sarah Post

Vince DiGregorio

Jay Gosnell

Jeff Gilliard

Nicole Wise-Jarvis

Robert Marotto

1100 Meeting Started

Mark Jones opened the meeting by announcing that the offices are being moved to another hangar still on the KPIE property. The move will take place as early as August 1st, and hopefully being in the new offices no later than August 15th. He also stated that AAWI is looking at adding an additional aircraft, be it a Lear 35, 36 or 60, no decision has been made as to what plane we will acquire. Mark vented his frustration over the treatment of the cabin in the Piaggio, damage due to ink and other instances. Mark announced that AAWI has a 30% increase in growth and that AAWI is having its best year ever. Mark explained the cost of adding an aircraft to our certificate along with other costs such as insurance and such. He reminded the staff that he would not place anyone in an unsafe aircraft and that the medical staff should take care of the interior of the aircraft along with the medical equipment.

Tim offered the floor to Dr. Kolettis who declined. The next topic was staffing and availability. Medical staff had inquired about full time flight positions and it was too early to talk about full time positions. The medical staff was reminded that if they were in the group that could submit their own schedule, to allow multiple days in a row for the flight schedule. Dr. Kolettis stated that if they could switch or call out should the need arise, consensus of the medical staff was that no one would risk the loss of benefits from their primary job.

Tim-Summer uniforms will be implemented next year.

Tim-PALS certification is REQUIRED by October 1, 2015.

Tim-Medical staff is reminded to submit replacement certifications and or licenses immediately. Certifications/license that have expired will result in the removal of the medical staff member. An email will be sent out advising of the expiration of the item, no other correspondence will follow.

Tim-Training is moved to October. Vent, protocols, policy and procedure review, along with mega codes. An email will be sent out for fire extinguisher and water safety.

Tim-Drug testing policy was reviewed and those chosen were provided with a testing paperwork. I cannot call you “in” for the purpose of drug testing, you must be summoned to the airport for another reason. I will do my best to have the drug test during the staff meeting. If you don’t attend the staff meeting during that quarter, I will need to bring you in for a drug test. All the drug tests much be completed by the end of the quarter.

Tim-Policy and Procedure Manual along with new protocols will be available and we will review them at the October meeting. Jeff is still working the medical emergencies, then they have to be reviewed by Dr. K. Once that is completed we will review the medications that are in the protocols to ensure we are compliant. Both the policy and procedure manual and the protocols will be in both aircraft.

Tim-A lot of questions in the past month regarding pay for two trips on one day. We reviewed this at the January meeting and all that attended and those that did not attend, the policy was emailed to them and it was posted on the employee web site. Medical staff is paid based on a 14 hour duty day as the pilots are. This policy will be reviewed in January of 2016 but I don’t expect any changes. When this policy was put in place, the medical staff was given an increase and for those employees that had been with the company longer than two years, they got a larger increase. The pay scale will be evaluated annually but there is no promise of a raise. For those of you that reach the two year mark, you should be evaluated shortly after the anniversary date to see if you qualify for the next step up. I have a budget and if repairs need to be made on equipment every month and funds need to be spent cleaning pen marks off an interior that was just redone, decrease my budget amount for payroll.

Tim-The medical staff members must attend two meetings annually. The only exception are if you have been excused from the meeting. The meeting schedule for 2015 was posted in November of 2014. All of you have been given a year advance notice. If you fail to show up at two meetings then you will be removed from the roster.

Tim-Besides the equipment, supplies are my highest expense. IF at all possible, take the items from the sending facility. They want the patient on a certain drip, even if we carry it in the med box, please have the hospital provide it. If we can utilize the hospital supplies, please do so.

Tim-Wish List-if you have any wants or needs regarding equipment and supplies, please send these request to my email and I will see what our budget can handle during the next busy season.

Tim-Upon returning from flights, the equipment is NOT being stored properly, items are not being restocked, and the smaller equipment is not being placed in the correct bag. This year alone we have added a vent, a LP12, and six IV pumps. Once the third aircraft arrives, I will need to order all the equipment for this aircraft, over $100,000. Handle the equipment with care, when loading and unloading the aircraft be careful, stop jamming bags into the cabinet. Preflight checklist must be completed and the first arriving medical staff member to the airport should start checking the bags prior to them being loaded on the aircraft. I will once again, place a checklist in each bag for you to utilize during your preflight checks.

Tim-Med books. Please make sure you are listing the Box tag number and narcotic tag number on the med box sheets. If you utilize narcotics, the usage form should be completed and faxed to the office. Remember you must have your narcotic waste witnessed on the usage sheet.

Tim-We are only hiring Respiratory Therapist at this time. If any of you have a friend that would like is an RT and interested in working for our service, please refer them to me. I am not going to add RN and paramedic staffing at this time. We will review our staffing needs in August.

Tim-Eurami inspection-will occur sometime in November. We will discuss further at the last staff meeting.

Tim-Medical staff went to see the new hangar.






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