Commercial Medical Escort St Vincent


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Commercial Medical Escort in St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Commercial Medical Escort St. VincentIf you’re in need of professional commercial medical escort traveling to or from St. Vincent and the Grenadines, put your trust in Air Ambulance Worldwide. We have extensive experience helping patients get where they need to go just about anywhere in the world. Our medical transport services can be scheduled with minimal notice and our highly trained medical staff is standing by to accompany you or your loved one on a commercial flight.

Our commercial medical escort service is designed to make the traveling process as easy as possible on the patient and their loved ones. With this bed-to-bed service we’ll meet the patient at their home, hospital, or other location and help get them to their commercial flight. We can also assist with booking the flight into or out of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, securing ground transportation and assisting with special security considerations like making it through the transportation security authority with:

  • Wheelchairs
  • Stretchers
  • Oxygen tanks
  • And other medical equipment

Once in the air, our commercial medical escort staff will provide the care that the patient needs to arrive at their destination safely. Plus, for patients who rely on a stretcher, we will coordinate privacy blankets and offer any healthcare and hygiene services needed.

For those traveling internationally, we have various staff who are fluent in Spanish, Turkish, Dutch, and other languages and our flight nurses have numerous visas. Additionally, our medical staff each has a minimum of five years of ICU/CCU experience, which provides peace of mind that we can provide a continuity of care to our patients as they travel.

To learn more about the various advantages to the commercial medical escort services that we offer into and from St Vincent and the Grenadines, contact us today by calling 877-922-9675 or 727-781-1198. We’re available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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