Basic Flight Medicine Course for Future Medical Crews
This course will introduce future helicopter and fixed wing medical providers on the basics of flight medicine.
The course will instruct student on how to safely operate inside an air medical program. This will include:
- Introduction to gas laws
- Commonly encountered patient conditions
- Patient loading considerations
- Flight Physiology
- Hypoxia
- Emergency procedures and survival
It meets all USDOT/ NHTSA requirements for Air Medical Crew Education.
This course is required for all paramedics to fly medical missions in the state of Florida. This course is strongly recommended for any nurses wishing to fly medical missions. (All Air Ambulance Worldwide medical staff are required to complete this course)
This course is approved for 40 hours of CEU’s with Florida Board of Nursing and Florida Emergency Medical Services only.
At this time, we are currently unable to give CEU’s for physicians, midlevel’s and respiratory therapist.
The class will meet over 4 consecutive days for 10 hours each day. Class will start at 8am and run until 6pm. There will be a short break for lunch each day.
St Petersburg Clearwater International Airport
Air Ambulance Worldwide Hangar
4311 General Howard Drive
Clearwater, FL 33762
The cost for this course is $250.
Payment is due when reserving your spot in the class. AAW’s Assistant Director of Medical Services will contact you for payment.
Dates Offered:
September 1st – 4th
November 2nd – 5th
Additional dates and course offerings could be available, please email for more details: [email protected].
Sign Up for Basic Flight Medicine
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