Bariatric Medical Flights & Air Ambulances for Obese People


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Bariatric Medical Flights & Air Ambulances for Obese People

Millions of people around the world have obesity, and as such, it’s important for medical providers and medical flight providers to be able to meet the needs of bariatric patients. At Air Ambulance Worldwide, we have medical flight options for bariatric patients, so that they can be transported home or to a higher level of care.

Medical flights only have special needs for bariatric patients when they are morbidly obese; otherwise, people who are clinically obese are able to fly in standard medical aircraft.

What is needed on a medical flight for a bariatric patient?

Medical flights for morbidly obese people typically require a wide door, and medical equipment that is reinforced to manage larger people. Medical flights for bariatric patients also require sturdy, reinforced ramps to support additional weight.

All of these challenges can be overcome, and being a bariatric patient is not a barrier to a successful medical flight.

What levels of care are available on bariatric air ambulances?

At Air Ambulance Worldwide, we offer multiple levels of care based on individual patient needs. We can transport patients who are medically stable but unfit for commercial aircraft, all the way up to ICU levels of care.

How much does a bariatric medical flight cost?

Each bariatric air ambulance flight is separately quoted, and because they are private jet medical flights, each one is unique to the patient’s needs.

Costs depend on the level of care needed and the distance to be traveled. So a bariatric medical flight from Tampa to Puerto Rico with a medically stable bariatric patient will be cheaper than a bariatric medical flight from Oklahoma City to London with a patient who needs ICU-level support.

Because of these nuances, our medical flight support team is available 24/7 to answer any questions and provide pricing and logistical information. Give us a call today!

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