Air Ambulance Jamaica


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Air Ambulance Service to and from Jamaica

Air Ambulance JamaicaAir Ambulance Worldwide is proud to offer medical transportation services to and from Jamaica for those men, women, and children who are medically compromised and unable to travel on a commercial flight alone. We routinely fly to every continent except Antarctica, and are proud to say that every patient entrusted to our care has arrived at his or her destination without incident or accident. That unblemished safety record is just one of many reasons why we have been awarded certification from EURAMI, and have a gold rating from ARGUS International – one of just a handful of American air ambulance providers who can make such a claim.

We provide three levels of medical transportation service to or from Jamaica – air ambulance service on one of our private aircraft, medical escort service for a patient who is unable to fly on a commercial airliner alone, and stretcher service for those patients flying internationally and need to remain prone while in transit. There are several reasons why someone might need such services, including:

  • He or she is injured while on vacation
  • The patient needs to be transported in order to see a medical specialist
  • An elderly family member needs to be moved to a new facility or into a family member’s home

No matter the reason, the patient will be accompanied by seasoned professionals every step of the way. Each member of our medical staff has at least five years of ICU/CCU training, and our pilots all have at least 15 years of experience.

Contact Air Ambulance Worldwide today by e-mail, or by calling 727-781-1198 or 877-922-9675, to learn more about the ways in which we can provide medical transit services to or from Jamaica.

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