Air Ambulance Services You can Trust to and from Caracas, Venezuela 
Patients in need of air ambulance services to or from Caracas, Venezuela, can trust Air Ambulance Worldwide for the highest quality of care. At Air Ambulance Worldwide, we understand that sometimes scheduling a medical flight can be stressful, especially in an emergency situation. Our 24-hour dispatch service can walk you through the entire process, and in some cases of a medical emergency, we can have an air ambulance ready to go to or from Caracas within two to four hours of your call.
Our air ambulance services to and from Caracas are filled with all of the necessary medical equipment needed to take care of you or your loved one during your flight. Some of the medical services included in each flight include a stretcher, IV solution, ventilator, and intubation equipment, as well as many other medical necessities. You have the choice between a pressurized cabin and a nonpressurized cabin, depending on your needs. Whether you choose an Air Ambulance flight or a medical escort from our staff, we will make sure you have all the medical equipment necessary for a safe flight.
One of the things that sets Air Ambulance Worldwide apart from other medical transportation services is our commitment to the highest level of care. Every medical professional on our Air Ambulance Worldwide team is required to have at least five years of experience in emergency medical situations, ICU, or CCU. Many members of our medical staff also specialize in specific fields of medicine, such as geriatrics, neonatal, and pediatrics, as well as others. Our dispatch team will discuss your medical needs with you so we can assign the right medical professionals to your air ambulance flight to or from Caracas.
If you are medically stable and can be transported on a commercial flight, one of our medical professionals can accompany you on the flight to ensure you arrive safely. We can also work with the flight attendants to make sure your special medical needs are taken care of, such as refrigerated medication, small medical equipment, or a stretcher.
Contact our 24-hour dispatch team today at 877-922-9675 or 727-781-1198 to schedule your air ambulance flight to or from Caracas, Venezuela.