Air Ambulance Ft. Lauderdale FL


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Safe, Comfortable Air Ambulance Service for Ft. Lauderdale & Surrounding FL Communities

Air Ambulance Ft. LauderdaleIf you are in need of air ambulance transportation to or from Ft. Lauderdale or any surrounding community in Florida, then trust the experts at Air Ambulance Worldwide. We provide medical transportation to every continent on the globe except Antarctica, and even have the necessary clearance to service military bases, including Guantanamo Bay. No matter if you or someone you care for was injured while on vacation, needs expert medical transportation to or from a restricted area, or simply needs to relocate to a specialized medical facility, we have the personnel and equipment to move him or her safely and comfortably.

We provide several levels of air ambulance service for those needing transport to or from the Ft. Lauderdale area, including:

  • Air ambulance – Our seasoned pilots fly the patient in our specialized aircraft, with two extensively trained medical professionals tending to the patient’s every medical and comfort need.
  • Medical escort – A member of our medical staff accompanies the patient aboard a commercial flight, tending to medical, hygiene, and comfort needs to ensure a safe arrival.
  • Stretcher service – For patients who need to remain on a stretcher and are flying internationally, we will make arrangements with the commercial airline, and accompany the patient during the entire journey, keeping him or her stable and relaxed.

Contact Air Ambulance Worldwide today to learn more about the variety of ways in which we can help you, your loved one, or a patient in your care travel in a medically supported environment to or from Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

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