Discounted Flights


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Discounted Air Ambulance Flights

If you are in need of medical air transport for yourself or a loved one, Air Ambulance Worldwide provides various many different levels of types of service based on each patient’s specific medical needs. For patients who are somewhat flexible with their air ambulance transport schedule, we can often find ways to reduce the cost of a medical flight. Our specialty flight coordinators are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help you find the best and most cost effective solution for your needs.

Backhaul Medical Flights

One way to reduce costs is to have our flight coordinators search for other patients needing medical flights to or from the same destination. This allows the aircraft to be utilized in both directions; the outbound and return trip, vs. one family having to pay for the aircraft to fly round trip with one leg empty.

Our aircraft are professionally cleaned and thoroughly sanitized with SaniSwiss machines after every flight, so splitting legs of a round trip medical flight is a safe and convenient way to transport patients with substantial savings. A flight coordinator will be assigned exclusively to your case to every detail of the journey, including:

  • A smooth transfer from the departure facility to the destination facility, including obtaining a medical report, providing medical reports to the receiving facility and continually updating the receiving facility throughout the transfer process
  • Ground ambulance service in both the departure and arrival cities between the medical facilities and the airports
  • Assignment of an appropriate medical team for the flight, tailored to the condition of each patient
  • Updates for family members and other interested parties throughout the transfer

Connecting Medical Flights

Air Ambulance Worldwide is networked with Strategic Partners across the United States and around the world. We receive daily correspondence informing us of connecting flights that our partners have available. This provides Air Ambulance Worldwide with an excellent opportunity to save you money on your patient transfer by combining your needs with an existing flight. Quite frequently, we are able to connect with empty legs of these flights to reduce costs due to fewer miles flown.

COVID-19 Safe Air Ambulance Flights

All Air Ambulance Worldwide’s aircraft feature state-of-the-art infection control technology, including Peke Safety MedPod isolation capsules that are also used by the United States military and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to ensure a sanitary care environment while treating highly contagious patients. Our specialized aircraft are meticulously maintained, fully equipped and thoroughly sanitized with SaniSwiss machines after every flight.

Discounted Medical Flight Costs

Every Medical Flight is individually quoted, and costs depend on a number of factors, but we will work hard to find the most efficient and cost effective solution for your needs. Whether it’s a backhaul flight or other way of finding a discount, our medical flight specialists will work to find your a discounted medical flight wherever possible.

Factors that affect cost include the level of care the patient needs, the distance to be traveled, the current location of the airplanes and more. Our dedicated Medical Flight Specialists will work with you and your specific situation to coordinate connecting or transfer flights and generate a flight quote that is as competitive as possible.

Air Ambulance Worldwide has representatives available 24/7, 7 days a week. Call today for your custom Air Ambulance quote.

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