Medical Flights Ecuador


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Specialized Medical Flights for Patients Traveling to or from Ecuador by Air Ambulance Worldwide

For professional, all-inclusive medical flights traveling to or from Ecuador, Air Ambulance Worldwide offers a number of first-rate services to transport patients in medically compromised conditions. We deliver unrivaled medical expertise, state-of-the-art aircrafts, and personalized care to ensure that you, or a loved one, reach your destination safely and without delay.

Whether you’ve suffered a debilitating injury backpacking through the Andes Mountains, or you require urgent transportation to visit a specialist halfway across the globe, Air Ambulance Worldwide has you covered. We provide a variety of medical flights and services to accommodate the diverse medical needs of the patients we serve in Ecuador and throughout the world, such as:

  • Private medical air transportation – Our private medical flights are outfitted with specialized equipment and a medical staff that is tailored to the patient’s individual medical needs.
  • Medical escort – If the patient is medically stable enough for commercial travel, one of our medical professionals will accompany the patient while providing basic hygiene, medication administration, and emotional support.
  • Commercial stretcher – For noncritical patients who may still require medical assistance, specialized equipment, and extra space, we can arrange for a commercial flight to be retrofitted with a stretcher and privacy curtain.

Furthermore, Air Ambulance Worldwide’s medical flights have been accident- and incident-free since our founding in 2004, so you can rest assured that you are in the most capable of hands. We’ve also received the ARGUS International gold rating, as well as the esteemed EURAMI accreditation, which acknowledges the exceptional quality of our medical team, aircraft, and overall protocol and operations.

For additional information regarding the medical flights that we offer to patients traveling to or from Ecuador, contact Air Ambulance Worldwide today. Call us at 727-781-1198 or toll free at 877-922-9675; our flight coordinators and insurance specialists are standing by to arrange your transportation.

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