News Article AAWW Miracle Birth


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Air Ambulance Worldwide Announces Miracle Birth in Guantanamo Bay

Air Ambulance Worldwide (, delivers safe, emergency medical air transport internationally to Mom and New Preterm Baby in unlikely Guantanamo Bay.

Palm Harbor, Fla., April 23, 2012 – Late on the evening of March 16, 2012, Ryan Jones, a Flight Coordinator for Air Ambulance Worldwide’s central dispatch center, received a call for an emergency transfer of a 27-year-old mother and her preterm baby, born at only 34 weeks gestation. The baby had been delivered 6 weeks premature by emergency C-Section in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The facilities there were not adequate enough to handle both baby and Mom’s condition. A facility in Miami, FL, which was capable of caring for both Mom and baby, was secured and our client wanted to move them as soon as possible.

This scenario presented several challenges. The first was how to handle the patient on a stretcher, a premature baby in an isolette, two medical staff for the premature baby and a doctor / nurse team to care for the Mom. This required an aircraft capable of handling 4 medical staff, the patient on a stretcher and room for the isolette. Fortunately, the Piaggio P-180 has this capability due to its large cabin size with a 4 seat capability, full stretcher and isolette table. Second, the baby was a US Citizen, as his father is a US soldier, but Mom, who had a Panamanian Passport only, needed a medical parole waiver, which would potentially delay the transfer due to red tape. With these challenges discussed with our client and procedures in place, our dispatch center began the process of getting Mom and baby to the hospital in Miami.

Air Ambulance Worldwide, air ambulance service provider which delivers safe, emergency and non-emergency medical air transport internationally, was prepared with specialized medical staff for the premature baby and the mom who had to deliver via C Section. They contacted their Medical Director who began to coordinate the medical transfer. They then had a conference call with their clients’ Medical Director and the medical personnel in Guantanamo Bay to determine the exact condition and needs for both patients. At the same time, they began the process of getting the medical parole for the mom, which requires information from the insurance company confirming and guaranteeing payment to the hospital.

While all of the medical arrangements were being made, the flight crews and operations team were in the process of clearing the flight into Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and making sure that the flight would take place without any unforeseen consequences. Just a few hours after receiving the initial request for transfer, the Piaggio departed the Air Ambulance Worldwide base in Palm Harbor, Florida and was on its way to pick up the mom and newborn baby. Upon arrival into Guantanamo Bay, the medical team headed to the attending facility where they completed their bedside evaluation, confirming that both patients were stable and fit-to-fly and they all returned to the aircraft. The Piaggio departed for Miami and arrived with both patients doing very well. After clearing customs, both Mom and baby were taken to the hospital for a safe delivery.

This critical transfer was completed successfully due to the efforts of many people working together and overcoming many obstacles. The client was very supportive in providing critical information in a very timely fashion, and the 4 member medical team performed absolutely flawlessly.

Aircraft: Piaggio P-180

Pilots: Captain and First Officer

Medical Crew: Doctor, 2 Registered Nurses, 1 Respiratory Therapist

Patient – Mom

Patient – Premature Baby

This press release can be viewed at Air Ambulance Delivers a Miracle Birth in Guantanamo Bay.

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