Medflight Panama


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Need a Medflight to or from Panama? Air Ambulance Worldwide is the Company to Call

Medflight Panama If you are traveling and suddenly find yourself in need of serious medical attention – whether because you’ve suffered and injury, become sick, or a preexisting condition has worsened – then getting back home to be near your family and team of doctors is of utmost importance. Air Ambulance Worldwide is a medflight provider that flies to and from Panama so that patients traveling abroad can return home safely under the supervision of highly qualified medical professionals.

Medical Capabilities of Our Air Ambulance Service

Every member of our medical team has at least five years of experience in emergency medicine and ICU. Additionally, they have all received certifications in flight physiology, so they understand how altitude changes will affect certain medical conditions or medications. Furthermore, our well-equipped planes are essentially flying ICU units themselves, and can hold all types of medical equipment depending on the patient’s needs, such as:

  • IV drips
  • Heart rate monitor
  • Respirator
  • Defibrillator
  • Medications
  • Oxygen machine
  • Ventilator
  • Lifepak
  • Intubation gear
  • Medications
  • And more

Flawless Flight Record

You can also feel safe in our hands when you book a medflight with us, because our seasoned pilots have an average of 14,000 flight hours. Furthermore, we have maintained a flawless flight record, meaning not one accident or incident has occurred on any of our medflights.

To speak with someone about booking a medflight to or from Panama, contact us today. Our flight coordinators are available 24/7 to answer your questions and get started on dispatching the proper medical team to assist in your medflight.

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