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Level of Treatment

There are varied levels of service available with an air ambulance transfer. Air Ambulance Worldwide is committed to providing the proper level of treatment for each specific patient. As always, the patient needs, dictate what service is utilized in their transfer. The services that are available are Basic Life Support, Advanced Life Support and Critical Care Support.

Basic Life Support (BLS)

A BLS patient is typically not capable of traveling on a commercial aircraft and their condition is non life threatening, but need to have monitoring or potential care during the transfer. The aircraft and medical team utilized for this transfer are capable of handling any medical emergency.

Advanced Life Support (ALS)

ALS transfers require a medical crew that is more advanced in their training and the aircraft is suited for transferring these patients. They must be capable of maintaining airways, operating more specialized monitoring and sustaining equipment. The crew is selected to meet the special diagnosis of the patient and is trained to provide care for any unforeseen changes. These cases are typically due to trauma, cardiac issues, burn cases or other conditions.

Critical Care Support

Critical care patients are transported in an intensive care setting, onboard the aircraft with a specialized medical team. A critical care team will consist of a specially trained physician and a critical care nurse that are specifically selected to meet the needs of the patient. Many times there will be a Respiratory Therapist or additional specialty personnel.

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