Air Ambulance Service


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Private Air Ambulance Service

These transfers are provided via a variety of aircraft types. The majority are performed utilizing twin engines, turbo props, Lear 35 or Lear 36 series jet. But depending on the patient condition, Private Air Ambulance Jetdistance of travel, and budget that is available, other aircraft are used. All aircraft are configured as mini intensive care units to handle BLS, ALS, and Critical Care patients. The medical staff requirements are determined by the patient condition and consist of Nurses, Doctors, Paramedics, Respiratory Therapists or other specialist. Air Ambulance Worldwide is able to be wheels up to pick up your patient in as little as 2 hours.

Larger aircraft are available to meet your needs .i.e. Lear 55, Gulfstream, Challenger, and larger.

Accompanying the Patient

Family members or companions are welcome and encouraged to accompany the patient on private air ambulance transfers at no additional charge. This is determined by the patient’s condition, any special medical equipment required to be onboard the aircraft, the necessary medical team and seat availability. The patient will always be the first priority.


Specific information is required prior to the transfer of any patient internationally. Family or companions traveling with the patient Interior of Air Ambulanceare required to supply this information also.

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Passport Number and Expiration Date
  • Relationship to the patient
  • Nationality
  • Visa information, if applicable


Luggage capacity is limited on the Air Ambulance Worldwide aircraft due to the amount of medical equipment that is carried onboard the aircraft. Luggage is restricted to (2) two carry on size bags. Air Ambulance Worldwide can assist the family and passengers in making arrangement to ship the excess baggage prior to the transfer. All cost associated with this shipping is the responsibility of the passengers or family.

Level of Treatment

There are varied levels of service available with an air ambulance transfer. Air Ambulance Worldwide is committed to providing the proper level of treatment for each specific patient. As always, the patient needs dictate what service is utilized in their transfer. The services that are available are Basic Life Support, Advanced Life Support and Critical Care Support.

Basic Life Support (BLS)

A BLS patient’s condition is non-life threatening and will require basic monitoring and administering of care throughout the transfer. The aircraft and our aeromedically trained medical team are capable of handling any medical emergency throughout the entire transfer process.

Advanced Life Support (ALS)

An ALS patient is critically ill and requires advanced medical care. Our team will maintain airways, operate more specialized monitoring and sustain equipment. The crew is selected to meet the special diagnosis of the patient and is trained to provide care for any unforeseen changes. These cases are typically due to trauma, cardiac issues, burn cases or other conditions.

Critical Care Support

Critical care patients are transported in an intensive care setting, onboard the aircraft with a specialized medical team. A critical care team will consist of a specially trained physician and a critical care nurse that are specifically selected to meet the needs of the patient. Many times there will be a Respiratory Therapist or additional specialty personnel.

The Transfer Process

Air Ambulance Worldwide, Inc has a professional and highly trained Flight Coordinator available to answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from our corporate center. When you call our center, the Flight Coordinator will walk you through the entire process of moving your patient, including providing you with any cost saving options that are available. Many times we have a connecting flight that we can offer that will save thousands of dollars on a transfer.


  • A Flight Coordinator will request pertinent information to provide you with a complete and thorough written proposal.
  • The Flight Coordinator will respond to you with a written proposal that will be all inclusive. NO HIDDEN COSTS!
  • A written “Authorization To Transfer” detailing the entire transfer. This is sent to the party that is financially responsible for the transfer.
  • Our medical coordinator will contact the proper medical personnel at the current facility to obtain a brief medical report.
  • We take care of international handling as necessary.
  • We take care of all customs and immigrations requirements.
  • We will provide medical bed to bed care.
  • Ground transportation arrangements and coordination at the departure site and the arrival city.
  • Complete communications with all parties during the entire transfer process. You identify who you would like to have updated during the transfer and we keep them informed.

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